Good Morning,
It is a partly cloudy morning in Beach Haven. The surf is calm with 2 to 3 foot waves. The wind is calm, with no discernible direction. The ocean temp is 70°. You will hold fine with 3 to 4 ounces. The air temp is currently 73° and heading to 82°.
The bay is calm and 73°.
High tide is at 10:25AM and 10:39PM. Low tide is at 4:35PM.
The surf is still giving up kingfish, fluke and cocktail blues. There are big rays and the usual small shark. The bay has fluke, weakfish and blues. The inlet is still showing fluke and blues around the point on small metal spoons. We received reports from the reefs of keeper fluke and sea bass.
Congrats to the crew of the Reel Determined on pulling in some nice sea bass yesterday. In particular, nice job by Dan and Ben Greenwood of Horsham, Pa. Way to go Capt. Jimmy!!