It’s a beautiful morning here in Beach Haven! Chance of showers later this evening. Winds are currently mild coming from the NW at about 4mph. This morning, the surf is calm with 1-2 foot waves. You will need about 4-5oz to hold. The LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 63°. The air temp is currently 64° and heading to 74°.
The bay is a slightly choppy and 62°.
Low tide is at 7:11AM and 7:20PM. High tide is at 12:37AM and 1:21PM.
It was pretty quiet yesterday after the craziness of the weekend. I had a few anglers out there over Monday and yesterday and had multiple reports of bluefish and a report of a nice 32″ striped bass. The surf also has some nice fluke like we saw over the weekend. Out in the bay, there are fluke and out at the reef anglers are having success with sea bass.
Today we have MINNOWS and BLOODWORMS! Don’t forget your bait bucket. If you do not have one, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3! Catching fish?? Send us your reports to!