Daily Report

It’s a beautiful, bright, sunny day here in Beach Haven! Winds are coming from the W at about 8mph. Currently, the surf is moderate with 2-3 foot waves. You will need 4-5oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 67°. The air temp is currently 58° and heading to 64°.

The bay is choppy and 60°.

Low tide is at 11:40AM. High tide is at 5:36AM and 5:47PM.

The LBI Surf Fishing Classic continues to have daily weigh-ins. Barnegat Light has been hot with Tog and Striped Bass. On this end of the island, PJ Shapiro has weighed in a couple of kingfish using fishbites. There was also a keeper striped bass caught in Loveladies on mullet! You can sign up for the LBI Classic right up to the last day so don’t miss out – there are daily cash prizes! $30 per adult, $15 for a junior – AND, your registration gets you an LBI Classic Hat!

We have EELS and BLOODWORMS! We should have BUNKER before the end of the week. If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!