Daily Report

It’s another cloudy morning here in Beach Haven today. Winds are mild coming from the WSW at about 7mph. Currently, the surf is calm but has 4-5 foot swells. You will need 3-4oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 74°. (Reminder… that’s not swim temp)! The air temp is currently 75° and heading to 85°.

The bay is calm and 74°.

Low tide is at 1:49AM and 2:007PM. High tide is at 7:45AM and 8:07PM.

Anglers fishing the surf are still catching fluke and snapper blues. There is an occasional kingfish here and there. In the bay they are getting fluke, blowfish, snapper blues and an occasional weakfish.

The Miss Beach Haven is going out for three trips tomorrow! The morning 8am – 12 noon trip will head into the ocean for fluke and sea bass. Tomorrow is the last day to fish for sea bass until Oct. 1st. Then she is headed out from 1pm – 4pm, and 5pm – 8pm for inlet fluke trips. Book online at www.missbeachhaven.com

Today we have BLOODWORMS and MINNOWS! If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!