Daily Report

It’s a sunny, warm morning here in Beach Haven! Winds are very mild coming from the NW at about 5mph. Currently, the surf is relatively calm with 2-3 foot waves. You will need 2-3oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 75°. (Reminder… that’s not swim temp)! The air temp is currently 75° and heading to 81°.

The bay is calm and 74°.

Low tide is at 9:57AM and 11:06PM. High tide is at 3:31AM and 4:07PM.

2nd Street in Beach Haven has had a lot of visitors over the last couple of days with the not great weather and had tons of reports of small fish being caught using squid or the pink fish bites – blowfish, sea bass, bluefish, spot… If looking for some little fish for the kids, now is the time to go! Have also heard of some more trigger fish in the bay yesterday.

We have our last two scheduled Kids Clinic classes this week on Monday and Wednesday. There are a couple openings left in each one – call the store to register!

Today we have BLOODWORMS and MINNOWS! If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!