Daily Report

It’s a beautiful sunny, comfortably cooler morning here in Beach Haven today! Winds are W at about 9mph. Currently, the surf is relatively calm with a 3-4 foot swells. You will need 2-3oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 76°. (Reminder… that’s not swim temp)! The air temp is currently 65° and heading to 78°.

The bay is a little choppy and 72°.

Low tide is at 4:28AM and 4:36PM. High tide is at 10:33AM and 10:29PM.

In the surf anglers are still catching fluke and snapper bluefish. Ryan was just in and said he caught 18 fluke off the surf this morning with two keepers! In the bay and inlet there are fluke, and snapper bluefish and lots of fluke in the inlet.

The weather did not cooperate for the 54th Annual White Marlin International Tournament yesterday with only 5 boats out fishing. So today is the day – being the last day of the tournament, most boats are fishing today and you can watch all weigh-ins on Dock Road at the Dock Road Marlin Fest presented to you by the Miss Beach Haven! Weigh-ins are from 5-8pm with the festival going from 3pm – 8:30pm. There are vendors, music, food, and drinks and there is fun for the whole family!

Today we have FRESH BUNKER, BLOODWORMS and MINNOWS! If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!