Daily Report

It’s a partly cloudy, very warm and humid morning here in Beach Haven. Winds are WSW at about 12mph. Currently, the surf is relatively calm with a 2-3 foot frequent waves. You will need 3-4oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 75°. (Reminder… that’s not swim temp)! The air temp is currently 78° and heading to 87°.

The bay is calm and 74°.

Low tide is at 2:06AM and 1:59PM. High tide is at 8:03AM and 8:12PM.

The surf still producing fluke, snapper bluefish, spot and occasional kingfish. In the bay they are still catching fluke, blowfish, bluefish with lots of fluke in the inlet. We had two great Kids Clinics yesterday and we have 12 new anglers on the island! There is no clinic tomorrow but we are back at it next Monday, August, 21st!

The Miss Beach Haven is heading to the Atlantic City Air Show on Wednesday! She is leaving at 9AM and there are still openings available! You can get more information and book the trip at www.missbeachhaven.com.

Today we have FRESH BUNKER, BLOODWORMS and MINNOWS! If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!