Daily Report

It’s a partly cloudy morning here in Beach Haven today. Winds are mild coming from the S at about 9mph. Currently, the surf is calm with a 1-2 foot waves. You will need 2-3oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 76°. (Reminder… that’s not swim temp)! The air temp is currently 73° and heading to 76°.

The bay is flat calm and 71°.

Low tide is at 3:51AM and 4:03PM. High tide is at 9:47AM and 10:07PM.

In the surf they are catching fluke, little bluefish, spot and an occasional kingfish. In the bay they are still catching fluke, blowfish, bluefish and some weakfish. Tog is now open with 1 fish per person until Nov. 15th.

We had another great Kids Clinic yesterday and we have 7 new graduate anglers! The Miss Beach Haven has three trips scheduled today – there is still room on the 1-4pm bay trip and the evening fluke inlet sunset fishing trip from 5-8pm.

And Mike found a little surprise at the bottom of his tackle box yesterday… A 2007 Jingles tide chart!! Thank you Mike, and everyone, for your continued support – all of us here at Jingles truly appreciate it!!

Today we have BLOODWORMS and MINNOWS! If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!