Daily Report

It’s a gorgeous, cooler morning here in Beach Haven! Winds are mild coming from the N at about 7mph. Currently, the surf is calm with a 1-2 foot swell on occasion. You will need 2-3oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 77°. (Reminder… that’s not swim temp)! The air temp is currently 68° and heading to 75°.

The bay is flat calm and 71°.

Low tide is at 3:03AM and 3:10PM. High tide is at 8:55AM and 9:15PM.

In the surf, anglers still doing well with fluke, little bluefish, spot and an occasional kingfish. And apparently there are some straggler red drum out there too, that Sal caught up in Brant Beach about a week ago! In the bay they are still catching fluke, blowfish, bluefish and some weakfish. Tog opened yesterday with 1 fish per person until Nov. 15th. Our very own Trevor Diorio was up at the lighthouse early yesterday and caught this nice tog at 2.82#.

Today we have BLOODWORMS and MINNOWS! If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!