Daily Report

It is an overcast but mild morning in Beach Haven, again. The wind is mild and from the SW. The surf is calm with1-2 foot waves. Currently you will need 3-4 ounces to hold. The ocean temp is 55°. The air temp is 48° heading to 60°.

The bay is choppy and the temp is 52°.

Low tide is at 12:39PM. High tide was at 6:13AM and is at 6:33PM.

There a number of weigh-ins for the LBISFC yesterday, with a good amount of striper action from the beach. The bay has been quiet. Near shore has been hammering the stripers consistently. Great day of fishing yesterday! The Jingles team took 2nd place in the Kurt Horensky Turkey Troll, with two nice 37 3/4″ stripers totaling over 41 pounds.