I fished on a Headboat out of Belmar yesterday and we didn’t have to go far to get in the action.
As we left the inlet we saw a large group of boats just north of us. It was obvious they were hooking up.
We moved in on the group and started snagging bunker (which were everywhere) and dropping them as is. We did not hook up but many boats around us did.
I saw one sport fisherman pull in 5 very big fish in a half an hr. These fish were big ones but unfortunately the bite ended soon after we arrived. As the day progressed we and others around us picked a fish here and there, the biggest we landed was 31.5 lbs. ( The one time I was hooked up, the captain didn’t know it and decided to move the boat and cut me off) Sh… happens.
My good news is the fish are here and moving down and I’m planning on being on the beach when these cows come looking for dinner!