Daily Report


HAPPY 229TH BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES COAST GUARD!! Revenue Marines, Light House Service, Life Saving Stations…. All became the US Coast Guard as we know it. Alexander Hamilton’s grand idea to tax foreign ships delivering goods to the US coast with ten Revenue Marine Cutters, was the genesis of todays finest sea going service. The Hamilton class cutters are still active today, and in fact I served aboard the Gallatin and Dallas (both named after former Secretaries of the Treasury). I am proud to have served and wish a hearty HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of wonderful Coasties whom I served with and all of the other veterans who proudly wore the uniform and those wearing it today.

It is sunny with high clouds this morning in Beach Haven. The surf is calm with 2 to 3 foot waves. The ocean temp is 71°. The wind is very mild and out of the SSW. 2 to 3 ounces should hold just fine. The air temp is currently 74° and heading to 84°.

The bay is calm and 76°.

High tide is at 11:20AM and 11:34PM. Low tide is 5:27PM.

The surf still has kingfish, fluke and cocktail blues. The bay is producing weakfish, fluke and snap blues. Congrats to the crew of the Insatiable for catching 3 nice keeper fluke yesterday. Way to go Capt. John!!