It’s a beautiful, cool, sunny morning here in Beach Haven today! Winds this morning are coming from the NW at about 5mph. The surf is calm with 2-3 foot waves. You will need about 4-5oz to hold. Atlantic City buoy sea temperature is reported at 55.2°. The air temp is currently 45° (feels like 39) and heading to 59°.

The bay is calm and 51°.

Low tide is at 2:07AM and 3:00PM. High tide is at 8:17AM and 8:51PM.

Three weeks left in the 70th Annual LBI Surf Classic and we are finally seeing some nice striped bass on the south end of the island! We had three weigh-ins yesterday and two this morning. First Sonny Markoski had a striper caught Friday night on bunker… (one of the few!) – His was 8.78# and 28.5″. Then Steve Gross actually had a blue and a striper yesterday morning with a half hour of each other in Holgate! His blue was 4.24# and 21.5″ and his striper was 9.34# and 16. 7/8″. Then later in the day, Ralph Vitale was fishing Beach Haven and he got a 10.12# and 29.5″ striped bass. And already this morning, Tom Beatty caught a 9.9# and 29 3/8″ bass on a plug, and I also just weighed in a striped bass for Bobby Capri – 9.22# and 30 5/8″, caught at Barnegat Light. The water has cooled and they are around so its time! Tautog opened up to 5 per person yesterday.

Today we have EELS and FROZEN SAND FLEAS! Don’t forget your bait bucket. If you do not have one, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3! Catching fish?? Send us your reports to jinglesbait@comcast.net.