Daily Report

We have an overcast morning today in Beach Haven, with some rain headed our way. Currently, the wind is coming from the NNE at about 12mph. The surf is calm with 1-2 foot waves. You will need 3-4 oz to hold. The ocean temp is 69°. The temp is currently 70° and heading to 74°.

The bay is flat calm and 66°.

Low tide is at 2:28AM and 2:27PM. High tide is at 8:15AM and 8:37PM.

No Derby weigh-ins yesterday and there are two weeks left in the tournament – but don’t give up, you can still beat out another angler! Surf is still producing bluefish, some striped bass and lots of dogfish. In the bay, there are fluke, weakfish and some bluefish.

Today we have minnows and fresh bunker.