It’s going to be a mostly sunny, hot day today in Beach Haven! Winds this morning are coming from the SW at about 8mph but winds are going to pick up to S around 15mph this afternoon. The surf is calm with 1-2 foot waves. You will need about 3-4oz to hold. The LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 74°. The air temp is currently 79° and heading to 83°.
The bay is calm and 69°.
Low tide is at 2:59AM and 2:52PM. High tide is at 8:44AM and 8:57PM.
In the surf we are seeing some nice keeper fluke! Kyle has been catching fluke this week resulting in this 21″ keeper on Thursday. Hearing about kingfish making a showing on the beach now as well. Other than that, some dogfish and rays. Tomorrow is the last day for the Spring Derby – last chance to take home money! In the bay we are seeing some more keeper fluke and out at Little Egg Reef, our own Matty Colombo had a couple yesterday including this beauty – 5.24# and 23.5″ caught on magictail bucktail and gulp. Jingles In-Store Fluke tournament runs all fluke season long so come in and sign up… prizes up to fourth place.
JINGLES KIDS CLINIC starts next week! It will be held every Monday and Wednesday at 9AM throughout the whole summer. See our home page for more information and call the store to register your child!
WE ARE NOW OPEN UNTIL 7PM THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER!! Today we have MINI FRESH BUNKER, MINNOWS and BLOODWORMS! Don’t forget your bait bucket. If you do not have one, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3! Catching fish?? Send us your reports to