It’s an overcast morning today in Beach Haven but the sun may come out at some point. Winds are very mild this morning coming from the S at about 9mph. Currently, the surf is choppy with 2-3 foot waves. You will need 4-5 oz to hold. The LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 52°. The air temp is currently 55° and heading to 68°.
The bay is calm and 51°.
Low tide is at 5:38AM and 5:23PM. High tide is at 11:33AM and 11:45PM.
There was a flutter of activity yesterday in the surf! We had two striper weigh-ins here yesterday – Danny Federico caught a 30″ and 8.08# in Holgate using surf clams (no photo) and Pat Gallen does it again with this 30.5″ and 9.92# striper in Ship Bottom on bunker. The Shapiros had one too big and a couple too small! Steve G. came in and bought some clams and bunker and got this keeper, Derek has this nice 35″ that was safely released and then Jamie got a keeper and his buddy George got a 34″ safely released. There was another bluefish weighed-in from Barnegat Light and our $25 bluefish gift card is still up for grabs but you must be registered in the store tournament to be eligible!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Spring Derby at Fisherman’s Headquarters, Surf City Bait & Tackle or here at Jingles. $20 to register and its a 100% payout! Plus a great $150 gift card prize for the “Surf Master” Catch & Release segment.
Today we have SURF CLAMS and BLOODWORMS! Don’t forget your bait bucket. If you do not have one, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3! Catching fish?? Send us your reports to!