Today is starting as a mostly cloudy morning but should be turning into a beautiful sunny day. Currently, winds are strong coming from the NNE at about 17mph. Currently, the surf is rough with 3-4 foot waves. You will need 5-6oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 61°. The air temp is currently 54° and heading to 61°.
The bay is calm and 60°.
Low tide is at 2:51AM and 2:45PM. High tide is at 8:35AM and 8:52PM.
There were no weigh-ins yesterday but did hear of some striped bass caught off the beach in the morning before the winds got so bad. But in the surf, the striped bass, bluefish, and black drum are still out there. There are also some fluke. In the bay there are fluke, weakfish and some small blues. Out at Little Egg Reef, you can still pick up sea bass (10 per person) until June 19th.
The BHMTC Tuna Open kicked off last night with the Captains Meeting with 76 registered boats!! Thank you to Andres Hernandez and Brian Casey for a great kick-off party. Monday is the first allowable day of fishing but weather does not look to cooperate. You can follow the progress and all the weigh-ins at
Today we have FRESH BUNKER, SURF CLAMS and MINNOWS! And a reminder to bring in your bait bucket when coming for bait. If you do not have a bucket, we have Jingles Bait Buckets for just $3!