It’s a beautiful sunny, mild morning here in Beach Haven today! Winds are a mild from the SSE at about 8mph. Currently, the surf is calm with with 0-2 foot waves. You will need 3-4 oz to hold. LBI 5th Street Beach Haven sea temperature is 47°. The air temp is currently 43° and heading to 51°.
The bay is flat calm and 48°.
Low tide is at 12:42AM and 1:13PM. High tide is at 6:51AM and 7:20PM.
Reports of stripers in the bay – under the bridge and by the sod banks. Bloodworms are the bait of choice or small plugs. We have also had a few reports of a couple of stipers in the surf too.
Don’t forget to sign up for the 21st Annual Spring Derby! It’s $20 to enter and goes through June 25, 2023. All money collect in registrations is paid out to to first, second and third place prizes for striped bass and first place prize for bluefish. Sign up in store here at Jingles, Surf City Bait & Tackle or Fisherman’s Headquarters.
We are also holding out 2023 Spring In-Store Striper/Bluefish tournament – $10 to enter.
Today we have Bloodworms. Enjoy your day!!