HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! It is a beautiful, sunny, SUNNY, Mothers day Morning morning in Beach Haven. The surf is flat calm with 1 foot waves. The wind is moderate and out of the WSW. The ocean temp is 51°. You will need 2 to 3 ounces to hold. The air temp is 47° and heading to 60˚.
The bay is choppy and 47°.
High tide is at 10:59AM and11:20PM. Low tide is at 5:03AM.
GET OUT THERE AND BRING MOM A FISH, THAT YOU COOK FOR HER! Our very good friend JP caught a nice striper off the beach last night on a Jingles bought lure. He was in North Beach Haven. So, stripers and blues are in the surf. Blowfish and schoolies are in the bay.