Good Morning,
It is a cloudy, windy, damp morning in Beach Haven. The surf is rough with 4 to 5 foot waves. The wind is strong and out of the NNE. The water temp is 68°. You will need 7 to 8 ounces to hold. The air temp is 62° and heading to 67°.
The bay is rough and 66°.
High tide is at 4:52PM. Low tide is 10:52AM and 11:27PM.
SOOOO, today is the first day of Sea Bass opening again. They have a 12.5″ limit with a bag limit of 10. There was a weigh-in for the Classic. Matteo Delmonico weighed a 9.72 pound, 30 inch bass, caught in beach Haven on artificial bait. Chris Masino caught weakfish and blues in the bay last night on soft lures.